Kosiol, Timo; Rutkowski, Annemarie; Kastorff, Tamara; Mohr, Matthias; Berger, Sonja; Reith, Sabrina; Stegmann, Karsten; Ufer, Stefan; Frick, Dagmar; Förtsch, Christian; Neuhaus, Birgit; Aufleger, Monika; Haldenwang, Vera; Teubner, Markus; Ludwig, Andrea; Fischer, Frank; Bannert, Maria; Arvaneh, Begüm; Meuleners, Julia; Gräsel, Cornelia; Klausing, Eike; Ripsam, Melanie; Nerdel, Claudia; Held, Tobias; Lindner, Martin; Kofahl, Paula; Ulm, Sonja; Oechslein, Karin; Räde, Anselm: DigitUS mebis-Kurs | Materialsammlung für Multiplikatorinnen und Multiplikatoren. Kosiol, Timo; Rutkowski, Annemarie; Kastorff, Tamara; Mohr, Matthias; Berger, Sonja; Reith, Sabrina; Stegmann, Karsten; Ufer, Stefan; Frick, Dagmar; Förtsch, Christian; Neuhaus, Birgit; Aufleger, Monika; Haldenwang, Vera; Teubner, Markus; Ludwig, Andrea; Fischer, Frank; Bannert, Maria; Arvaneh, Begüm; Meuleners, Julia; Gräsel, Cornelia; Klausing, Eike; Ripsam, Melanie; Nerdel, Claudia; Held, Tobias; Lindner, Martin; Kofahl, Paula; Ulm, Sonja; Oechslein, Karin; Räde, Anselm: DigitUS mebis-Metakurs | Erstellung von mebis Kursen. Kastorff, Tamara; Sailer, Michael; Stegmann, Karsten: A typology of adolescents’ know-how use earlier than and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic: A latent profile evaluation. Kastorff, T., Rönnebeck, S., Neumann, K., Seßler, S., Diedrich, J. & Schiepe-Tiska, A: Naturwissenschaftliche Kompetenz in PISA 2022 Entwicklungen und mögliche Herausforderungen.
Jaschke, S., Klusch, M., Krupka, D., Losch, D., Michaeli, T., Opel, S., Schmid, U., Schwarz, R., Seegerer, S. & Stechert, P.: Positionspapier der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. Kasneci, Enkelejda; Sessler, Kathrin; Küchemann, Stefan; Bannert, Maria; Dementieva, Daryna; Fischer, Frank; Gasser, Urs; Groh, Georg; Günnemann, Stephan; Hüllermeier, Eyke; Krusche, Stephan; Kutyniok, Gitta; Michaeli, Tilman; Nerdel, Claudia; Pfeffer, Jürgen; Poquet, Oleksandra; Sailer, Michael; Schmidt, Albrecht; Seidel, Tina; Stadler, Matthias; Weller, Jochen; Kuhn, Jochen; Kasneci, Gjergji: ChatGPT for good? Kasneci, Enkelejda; Sessler, Kathrin; Küchemann, Stefan; Bannert, Maria; Dementieva, Daryna; Fischer, Frank; Gasser, Urs; Groh, Georg; Günnemann, Stephan; Hüllermeier, Eyke; Krusche, Stepha; Kutyniok, Gitta; Michaeli, Tilman; Nerdel, Claudia; Pfeffer, Jürgen; Poquet, Oleksandra; Sailer, Michael; Schmidt, Albrecht; Seidel, Tina; Stadler, Matthias; Weller, Jochen; Kuhn, Jochen; Kasneci, Gjergji: ChatGPT for good? Kitto, Kirsty; Manly, Catherine A.; Ferguson, Rebecca; Poquet, Oleksandra: Towards more replicable content evaluation for learning analytics. For extra on what to do if you’re having issues with sex, visit the Family Planning Association. To learn in regards to the dangers, go to How Secondhand Smoke Works. Because of their emphasis on theater, the previous works do not utterly supersede Arthur Hobson Quinn, A History of the American Drama from the beginning to the Civil War, 2nd ed.
Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik, 2023 more… Jahrestagung der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik (BWP) 2023 der deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaften (DGfE), 2023 more… International Journal of Educational Research 117, 2023, 102136 extra… Waxmann, 2023, 113-136 extra… There is elevated attention to physical circumstances and needs, higher ventilation, improved sanitation, more physical train, and in the reformatories some use is product of psychological tests and some attention paid to the correction of bodily defects. For every analyst who says minimal wage increases drive jobs away, there is another who argues against such a correlation. There was reportedly a way more explicit model of the intercourse scene between Ashley and Rudy that was totally different from the one included in the unrated lower; in the director’s commentary, John Frankenheimer explained that he decided to chop it from the theatrical version as a consequence of the potential of receiving an NC-17 score by the MPAA.
Though aid teams and governments have engaged in lots of public-consciousness campaigns so that individuals do not unwittingly turn out to be victims, extra needs to be carried out. AOL Health Editors. “Midlife Crisis Hitting People in Mid-30s.” AOL Health. Kneuer, Marianne; Wurster, Stefan (Eds.): Special Issue: Democratic Health in the Corona Pandemic. The Corona Pandemic as a Trigger or Amplifier of Democratic Erosion? Proceedings of the 2023 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 2023 more… The European Educational Researcher, 2023, 79-ninety nine more… Constructionism/FabLearn 2023, 2023 more… Soziologisches Waldsymposium, 2023 extra… Bristol Univ. Press, 2023 extra… Forest Policy and Economics 154, 2023, 103034 more… Computers & Graphics 117, 2023, 85-95 more… Proceedings of the seventeenth International Conference of the training Sciences – ICLS 2023, 2023 more… Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (Proceedings of Machine Learning Research), PMLR, 2023 extra… SSRN Electronic Journal, 2023 more… Lesperance, K., Decristan, J., & Holzberger, D.: The role of instructor constructive assist for gender differences in motivational outcomes in secondary faculty mathematics.